Dr. Juan Luis Mata
B.S. and M.S.
University of Costa Rica
Ph.D. Botany
University of Tennessee 2002
Research Interests
Taxonomy, systematics, evolution and ecology of Agaricales mushrooms and aquatic fungi
Curator of the Mycological Collection, USA Herbarium () Location: LSCB 31
For more details, go to his research page.
Recent Publications
Mata, J.L, Ovrebo, C.L., Baroni, T.J. and Hughes K.W. 2016. New species of neotropical Rhodocollybia. Mycotaxon 131:235-246.
Mata, J.L. and Mishra, N.T. 2015. A comparative study of worldwide Lentinula strains based on linear mycelium growth. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 17(5):481-489.
Mata, J.L & Cebrian, J. 2013. Endophytic fungi on the seagrasses Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum in the North Central Gulf of Mexico. Botanica Marina&²Ô²ú²õ±è;56(5-6):541–545.
Mata J.L. and Ovrebo C.L. 2009. New reports and illustrations of Gymnopus for Costa Rica and Panama. Fungal Diversity 38:125-131.
See MoreCourses
Life Science I & II (BLY 101 & 102)
These are the biology courses for non- majors. Main contents are cell structure and
function, cell metabolism, cell division, diversity of life, human organ systems,
and ecology. Typically, I teach a lecture in the spring semester, and labs in the
summer semester.
Ecology and Evolution (BLY 303)
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of ecology and evolution, with emphasis on
their status as interrelated, central organizing principles of biology. Major topics
will include community structure, biotic and abiotic interactions, mechanisms of evolution,
adaption, and phylogenetics. Theoretical and practical issues will be addressed. Core
Economic Botany (BLY 310)
This course includes the study of plants in their form and structure by connecting them to their use by humans. Topics include plant anatomy and nomenclature; history of plant use; origins of economically important plants; use of flowers, fruits, stems and leaves for food and other purposes. I try to teach this class during the summer semester.
Biology of Fungi (BLY 435/535)
This class includes an investigation into the diversity, biology, and ecology of fungi.
It is designed to meet the needs of students majoring in biology and/or disciplines
in plant biology. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of fungal classification
(including taxonomy and some molecular systematics), morphology, ecology and technological
applications. A laboratory component is included. Students can take this class for
undergraduate or graduate credit. Core biology courses are prerequisites for this
Study Abroad (BLY 490)
Each May Semester I try to take students on an educational experience in the Neotropics. This 3-week intense course focuses on natural history, ecology, biodiversity and conservation topics of the particular region visited.