
Dr. Anh-Vu Phan

Dr. Anh-Vu Phan

Mechanical Engineering


  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal
  • M.S. Solid Mechanics, Grenoble Institute of Technology
  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology


  • Boundary integral analysis of energy eigenvalues for confined electron states in quantum structures
  • Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element method (SGBEM) with emphasis on dynamic fracture analysis
  • Boundary integral equations for the static and dynamic T-stresses
  • Boundary Element Analysis of Quantum Mechanics
  • Dynamic fracture analysis of auxetic fiber reinforced composites
  • Numerical modeling of cAMP signaling
  • Numerical modeling of the solid-phase epitaxial growth in Si-Ge alloy thin films


  1. J.D. Phan and A.-V. Phan, ‘Accelerated boundary integral analysis of energy eigenvalues for confined electron states in quantum semiconductor heterostructures’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 169, 106012, (2024).

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  2. J.D. Phan and A.-V. Phan, ‘A generalized energy eigenvalue problem for effectively solving the confined electron states in quantum semiconductor structures via boundary integral analysis’, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 170, 228-236, (2024).
  3. P. Dunn, N.S. Annamdevula, T.C. Rich, S.J. Leavesley and A.-V. Phan, ‘A two-dimensional finite element model of intercellular cAMP signaling through gap junction channels’, Journal of Biomechanics, 152, 111588, (2023).
  4. M. Karimaghaei, R. Cloutier, A. Khan, J.D. Richardson, and A.-V. Phan, ‘A Model- Based Systems Engineering Framework for Quantum Dot Solar Cells Development’, Systems Engineering, 26, 279-290, (2023).
  5. R. Warren, T.C. Rich, S.J. Leavesley and A.-V. Phan, ‘A three-dimensional finite element model of cAMP signals’, Forces in Mechanics, 4: 100041, (2021).
  6. M. Karimaghaei and A.-V. Phan, ‘Boundary integral formulation of the standard eigenvalue problem for the 2-D Helmholtz equation’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 132, 281-288, (2021).
  7. A.-V. Phan and M. Karimaghaei, ‘A standard energy eigenvalue problem for directly solving the stationary states of quantum billiards via boundary integral analysis’, Forces in Mechanics, 4:100027, (2021).
  8. T.-T. Phan, T.-K. Nguyen, D.-H. Phan and A.-V. Phan, ‘SGBEM analysis of diffraction of P- and SV-waves by a plane crack in an infinite domain’, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 6:121, (2020).  
  9. N. Stone, S. Shettlesworth, T.C. Rich, S.J. Leavesley and A.-V. Phan, ‘A two-dimensional finite element model of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) intracellular signaling’, SN Applied Sciences, 1:1713, (2019).
  10. D.-H. Phan, T.-T. Phan, T.-K. Nguyen and A.-V. Phan, ‘Dynamic stress intensity factors for multiple parallel cracks in an infinite domain under the passage of a normal incident impact or blast P-wave’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 106, 75-85, (2019).
  11. T.-K. Nguyen, D.-H. Phan, T.-T. Phan and A.-V. Phan, ‘Symmetric Galerkin boundary element analysis of the interaction between multiple growing cracks in infinite domains’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88, 2003-2016, (2018).
  12. A.-V. Phan, ‘Dynamic stress intensity factor analysis of the interaction between multiple impact-loaded cracks in infinite domains’, AIMS Materials Science, 3, 1683-1695, (2016).
  13. K.J. Webb, C.A. Wiles, N. Annamdevula, R. Sweat, A.L. Britain, A.-V. Phan, M.I. Townsley, S.J. Leavesley and T.C. Rich, ‘A Mathematical Model of Calcium and cAMP Signaling in Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells’, The FASEB Journal, 30(1 Supplement), 969-26, (2016).
  14. K. Kwon and A.-V. Phan, ‘Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element analysis of the dynamic T-stress for the interaction of a crack with auxetic inclusions’, Mechanics Research Communications, 69, 91-96, (2015).
  15. S. Ebrahimi and A.-V. Phan, ‘Dynamic crack growth modeling technique based upon the SGBEM in the Laplace domain’, Acta Mechanica, 226, 769-781, (2015).
  16.  S. Ebrahimi and A.-V. Phan, ‘Dynamic analysis of cracks using the SGBEM for elastodynamics in the Laplace-space frequency domain’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37, 1378-1391, (2013).
  17. B. Elmabrouk, J.R. Berger, A.-V. Phan and L.J. Gray, ‘Apparent stiffness tensors for porous solids using symmetric Galerkin boundary elements’, Computational Mechanics, 49, 411-419, (2012).
  18. A.-V. Phan, ‘A non-singular boundary integral formula for frequency domain analysis of the dynamic T-stress’, International Journal of Fracture, 173, 37-48, (2012).
  19. A.-V. Phan, V. Guduru, A. Salvadori and L.J. Gray, ‘Frequency domain analysis by the exponential window method and SGBEM for elastodynamics’, Computational Mechanics, 48, 615-630, (2011).
  20. A.-V. Phan and V. Guduru, ‘Boundary element transient analysis of the dynamic Tstress and biaxiality ratio’, Rivista di Matematica della Universit`a di Parma, 2, 57-76, (2011).
  21. A.-V. Phan, ‘A non-singular boundary integral formula for determining the T-stress for cracks of arbitrary geometry’, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78, 2273-2285, (2011).
  22. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, ‘Transient analysis of the dynamic stress intensity factors using SGBEM for frequency-domain elastodynamics’, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199, 3039-3050, (2010).
  23. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, ‘Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element transient analysis of the DSIFs for the interaction of a crack with a circular inclusion’, Key Engineering Materials, 454, 79-96, (2010).
  24. V. Guduru, A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, ‘Transient analysis of the DSIFs and dynamic T-stress for particular composite materials – Numerical vs experimental results’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 34, 963-970, (2010). 
  25. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and A. Salvadori, ‘Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element analysis of the dynamic stress intensity factors in the frequency domain’, Mechanics Research Communications, 37, 177-183, (2010).
  26. D.J. Roberts, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘SGBEM analysis of fatigue crack growth in particulate composites’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 80, 307-322, (2010).
  27. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, ‘Symmetric-Galerkin boundary element analysis of the QFM stress intensity factors in nanoscale fracture’, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 6, 994-1000, (2009).
  28. L.S. Yellapragada , A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, ‘Fluid-solid interaction finite element modeling of a kinetically driven growth instability in stressed solids’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 79, 457-467, (2009).
  29. A.-V. Phan and H.V. Tippur, ‘Shape-sensitivity-based evaluation of the stress intensity factors at the nanoscale by means of quantized fracture mechanics’, Mechanics Research Communications, 36, 336-342, (2009).
  30. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, ‘The multi-domain boundary contour method for interface and dissimilar materials problems’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33, 668-677, (2009).
  31. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, ‘Boundary contour method fracture analysis of bimaterial interface cracks’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24, 1685-1697, (2008).
  32. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘On some benchmark results for the interaction of a crack with a circular inclusion’, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 74, 1282- 1284, (2007).
  33. L.S. Yellapragada, A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, ‘A sequential fluid-solid weak coupling analysis of the SPE in stressed Si layers’, Mechanics Research Communications, 34, 545-552, (2007).
  34. R.C. Williams, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, ‘SGBEM analysis of crack growth and particle(s) interactions due to elastic constants mismatch’, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74, 314-331, (2007).
  35. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, ‘A numerical implementation using mid-node collocation for the hypersingular boundary contour method’, Mechanics Research Communications, 34, 201-209, (2007).
  36. R. Kitey, A.-V. Phan, H.V. Tippur and T. Kaplan, ‘Modeling of crack growth through particulate clusters in brittle matrix by symmetric-Galerkin boundary element method’, International Journal of Fracture, 141, 11-25, (2006).
  37. A.-V. Phan, C. Machiraju, A.W. Pearsall and S. Madanagopal, ‘Viscoelastic studies of human subscapularis tendon: Relaxation test and a Wiechert Model’, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 83, 29-33, (2006).
  38. L.J. Gray, A. Salvadori, A.-V. Phan and V. Mantic, ‘Direct evaluation of hypersingular Galerkin surface integrals. II’, Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 4, 105-130, (2006).
  39. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘Residue approach for evaluating the 3-D anisotropic elastic Green’s function: multiple roots’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 29, 570-576, (2005).
  40. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, ‘Boundary contour analysis for surface stress recovery in 2-D elasticity and Stokes flow’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 74, 427-438, (2005).
  41. L.J. Gray, A.-V. Phan and T. Kaplan, ‘Boundary integral evaluation of surface derivatives’, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 26, 294-312, (2004).
  42. W. Barvosa-Carter, M.J. Aziz, A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan and L.J. Gray, ‘Interfacial roughening during solid phase epitaxy: Interaction of dopant, stress, and anisotropy effects’, Journal of Applied Physics, 96, 5462-5468, (2004).
  43. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘On the residue calculus evaluation of the 3-D anisotropic elastic Green’s function’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 20, 335-341, (2004).
  44. A.-V. Phan, J.A.L. Napier, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘Stress intensity factor analysis of friction sliding at discontinuity interfaces and junctions’, Computational Mechanics, 32, 392-400, (2003).
  45. A.-V. Phan, J.A.L. Napier, L.J. Gray and T. Kaplan, ‘Symmetric-Galerkin BEM simulation of fracture with frictional contact’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 57, 835-851, (2003).
  46. A.-V. Phan, L. Baron, J.R.R. Mayer and G. Cloutier, ‘Finite element and experimental studies of diametral errors in cantilever bar turning’, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 27, 221-232, (2003).
  47. L.J. Gray, A.-V. Phan, G.H. Paulino and T. Kaplan, ‘An improved quarter-point crack tip element’, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, 269-283, (2003).
  48. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray, T. Kaplan and T.-N. Phan, ‘The boundary contour method for two-dimensional Stokes flow and incompressible elastic materials’, Computational Mechanics, 28, 425-433, (2002).
  49. A.-V. Phan, L.J. Gray, T. Kaplan and G.H. Paulino, ‘Highly accurate crack tip analysis’, Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, BETEQ 2001, 51-58, (2002).
  50. A.-V. Phan, T. Kaplan, L.J. Gray, D. Adalsteinsson, J.A. Sethian, W. Barvosa-Carter and M. J. Aziz, ‘Modelling a growth instability in a stressed solid’, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 9, 309-325, (2001).
  51. J.R.R. Mayer, A.-V. Phan and G. Cloutier, ‘Prediction of diameter errors in bar turning: A computationally effective model’, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 24, 943-956, (2000).
  52. A.-V. Phan, G. Cloutier and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘A finite element model for predicting tapered workpiece deflections in turning’, Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 4, 138-142, (1999).
  53. G. Cloutier, J.R.R. Mayer and A.-V. Phan, ‘Singular function representation in obtaining closed-form solutions to workpiece deflections in turning multi-diameter bars’, Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 4, 133-137, (1999).
  54. A.-V. Phan, G. Cloutier and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘A finite element model with closed-form solutions to workpiece deflections in turning’, International Journal of Production Research, 37, 4039-4051, (1999).
  55. A.-V. Phan and T.-N. Phan, ‘A structural shape optimization system using the 2-D boundary contour method’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 69, 481-489, (1999).
  56. A.-V. Phan and S. Mukherjee, ‘On design sensitivity analysis in linear elasticity by the boundary contour method’, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 23, 195-199, (1999).
  57. A.-V. Phan and F. Trochu, ‘Application of dual kriging to structural shape optimization based on the boundary contour method’, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 68, 539-551, 1998.
  58. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘Stresses, stress sensitivities and shape optimization for two-dimensional linear elasticity by the boundary contour method’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 42, 1391-1407, (1998).
  59. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘The hypersingular boundary contour method for two-dimensional linear elasticity’, Acta Mechanica, 130, 209-225, (1998).
  60. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘A boundary contour formulation for design sensitivity analysis in two-dimensional linear elasticity’, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35, 1981-1999, (1998).
  61. A.-V. Phan, S. Mukherjee and J.R.R. Mayer, ‘The boundary contour method for two-dimensional linear elasticity with quadratic boundary elements’, Computational Mechanics, 20, 310-319, (1997).
  62. A.-V. Phan and G. Reynaud, ‘Determination of the asynchronous load on a rotor from the measured internal forces’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 206, 15-22, (1997).
  63. A.-V. Phan, ‘Application of rotation tensor analysis to kinematic study of mechanisms’, (in Vietnamese), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Journal of Science and Technology, 15, 52-61, (1984).


  1. EG 284: Dynamics
  2. EG 315: Mechanics of Materials
  3. AE 361: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
  4. AE 470: Aircraft Structural Analysis
  5. ME 135: Engineering Graphics and Communications
  6. ME 312: Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics
  7. ME 328: Mechanical Engineering Analysis
  8. ME 416: Senior Capstone Design Project
  9. ME 421: Mechanical Systems Design
  10. ME 426: Dynamic Systems and Control
  11. ME 438/538: Finite Element Analysis
  12. ME 430/530: Mechanism Synthesis
  13. ME 472: Vibration Analysis and Synthesis
  14. ME 518: Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis II
  15. ME 583: Applied Elasticity
  16. ME 572: Advanced Vibrations
  17. ME 590: Special Topics: Micromechanics
  18. ME 592: Directed Independent Study