Student Resources

Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty work hard to provide a supportive community for students. Resources include office hours, advising, tutoring, Math Technology Lab, contests, scholarships and the MathStat Club. Explore the multiple opportunities below to stay connected and involved.
Faculty want to have open communication with students. Any questions, big or small, our faculty are here to help.
It is important that each of our majors and graduate students regularly confer with their advisors. We are here to help, but we need to see you to do so.
The Math Technology Lab (ASC1301) is staffed with qualified tutors for one-on-one, on-demand math help. Students
can visit the lab during any of the hours below and receive tutoring. The student
can get assistance in math courses like:
College Algebra, Pre-Calculus Algebra, Trigonometry, Finite Math, Calculus 1, 2, 3
etc., and Statistics 210.
Math Technology Lab Hours
(click on the link above to view most recently posted hours)
The Center for Academic Excellence offers individual and small-group peer tutoring for a large variety of general education
courses, as well as writing consultations for courses in a discipline. Additionally,
the CAE provides workshops, events, and programs aimed at empowering USA students
to succeed in their coursework and beyond. To schedule a subject tutoring appointment
or a writing consultation with the Center for Academic Excellence, please visit
email, or call (251) 460-6480.
The Math Technology Lab (ASC1301) is staffed with qualified tutors for one-on-one,
on-demand math help. Students can visit the lab during any of the hours below and
receive tutoring. The student can get assistance in math courses like:
College Algebra, Pre-Calculus Algebra, Trigonometry, Finite Math, Calculus 1, 2, 3
etc., and Statistics 210.
(click on the link above to view most recently posted hours)
The Center for Academic Excellence offers individual and small-group peer tutoring
for a large variety of general education courses, as well as writing consultations
for courses in a discipline. Additionally, the CAE provides workshops, events, and
programs aimed at empowering USA students to succeed in their coursework and beyond.
To schedule a subject tutoring appointment or a writing consultation with the Center
for Academic Excellence, please visit
email, or call (251) 460-6480.
Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) is a national honor society dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding.
The ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÍø is home to PME's "Alabama Delta" chapter of the society. Our chapter has a particular focus on engagement in mathematics outside the classroom. For more information, visit
Scholarship Services offers a variety of scholarships for students. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics also offers several undergraduate scholarships that are awarded each year in the Spring semester to rising junior and senior students. There are also many contests held each year that offer scholarships to students. Click here for more information.
The USA Math/Stat Club is a registered student organization dedicated to Mathematics and Statistics. The purpose of the club is to provide students at ÀÏ˾»ú¸£ÀûÍø the opportunity to discuss current mathematical topics, to learn about job opportunities in the fields of mathematics and statistics, and to provide an environment suitable for networking among students interested in mathematics and statistics. The club is open to all students: majors, minors, and anyone else in the USA community with an interest in mathematics. For more information, visit .
Coursework in mathematics and statistics will prepare students for success in a multitude of careers and graduate programs.
Link here for the career map.