Biostatistics Services Available

The appropriate application of statistics for experimental design and data analysis
is critically important in biomedical research, and funding agencies and journals
are paying increasing attention to the Rigor & Reproducibility of data. It is therefore
important that investigators can access expert support for biostats.
Biostatistics Resources for College of Medicine Investigators
- Statistical Consulting Center: Statistics support is available on a fee-for-service basis from the Statistical
Consulting Center in the College of Arts of Sciences, directed by Dr. Madhuri Mulekar, Department Chair of Math and Statistics. The initial consultation is free of charge
and thereafter, it is $85/hour. The contact email is or you may wish to contact Dr. Mulekar directly at
- : Support is also available to USA investigators through the Biostatistics, Epidemiology
and Research Design (BERD) unit at the Center for Clinical and Translational Science
(CCTS), based at UAB. The contact email is
- Dr. Jonathan Scammell, Chair, Comparative Medicine, Professor of Comparative Medicine and Pharmacology: Resident
expert in biostats, Dr. Jonathan Scammell, kindly makes himself available to investigators
for advice and guidance (
- : One of the major software packages for data analysis, GraphPad Prism, is available through the College of Medicine. A fixed number are purchased annually by the College and these are allocated to investigators on a first come-first served. Effective July 1, 2022, the annual cost for a license is $63. To obtain a license, make a request via the . Please provide the name of the employee requesting the download, their email address, and the FOAPAL to charge against. The employee will then receive an email from GraphPad with a link to download the software onto their computer. Keep in mind that multiple downloads under the same email address will result in multiple charges. Any questions or requests for assistance should be directed to Tony Lamm (