
Student Success

This four point plan can almost guarantee you academic success.

â–¼   Go to class

That means every class, every day, without exception. It doesn’t matter what the professor or the syllabus says about attendance, go anyway.  Every class you skip is money wasted.

Everyone gets sick from time to time.  If you have to miss class, email the professor to let him or her know.  Contact fellow students for notes and information about what was covered in class.  It is your responsibility to figure out and make up what you missed.

It is hard to be a successful student if school is low on your priority list.  Be sure to schedule classes around other more important obligations like family or work.  When adding other time commitments like personal business or social time build them around your school schedule.

â–¼   Do your homework
Homework is a critical part of academic success.  Don't skip assignments.  Check the syllabus for all of your classes and be sure of all due dates.  Put these dates in a planner, electronic calendar or whatever works best for you.  Trying to keep all the due dates for four or five classes straight in your head is almost impossible.  Keeping all these dates organized will help you plan for study time, and work on projects or papers.  Don't needlessly lose points by not turning homework in or turning work in after the due date!
â–¼   Get to know your professors
It is important to sit close to the front, participate in class and get to know your professors.  Almost all professors have office hours.  Go visit them and ask questions.  They are happy to help you learn and do well in their class.
â–¼   Treat school like a full time job

If you are taking 15 hours per semester that means you are spending 15 hours per week in class.  You should be spending two hours or more outside of class for every hour you are in class (some classes may require even more time). That adds up to 45 or more hours per week – that's a full time job and then some!


And here are four bonus points that will help you even more!

â–¼   Check school email account daily (or more)
All school and course communication is going to come to your school email account. You might get some email that doesn't pertain to you but if you delete everything you will be missing messages about crucial deadlines and more. Learn to manage email to determine what is important and what is not.  Keep your personal email personal and your school email just for school purposes.  Check school email daily or more.
â–¼   Surround yourself with good people
You are only as good as your worst friend. Do have friends who would always rather go to the beach, play video games, hang out or do anything other than go to class or do homework?  Do you have friends who want to be successful in school and put off fun to go to the library, get tutoring, attend study groups and get all their school work done?  Those around you will either raise or lower your standards and work ethic.  Surround yourself with people who will make you work harder not avoid work.  It’s okay to be the weakest one in the study group; you will get the most out of it!
â–¼   Ask for help when you need it
Only you know when you need help and what sort of help that is. There are resources all across campus that are designed to support you academically, physically and mentally toward being a successful and healthy student. College faculty, academic advisors and other staff members want to see you succeed.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
â–¼   College is a team activity
There is nothing that says you have to do this all by yourself.  Assemble the support team that will help you and motivate you to do your best work.  That team could include instructors, tutors, advisors, coaches, family, friends and fellow students.  Study with friends, go to office hours, meet with your advisor, and get tutoring in difficult courses.