
Governmental Relations Committee

Governmental Relations Committee Members


The Governmental Relations Committee promotes an environment where students feel
encouraged to engage in both the university and surrounding communities. Our members are
prepared to answer any questions students may have about the university and surrounding
communities, and we are heavily involved with other campus organizations for a cohesive
platform for student enhancement. By hosting tabling and social events both with and without
other campus entities, members work directly with students to inform them about their networks
and opportunities to make an impact both on and off of campus.

Committee Projects thus far:

Voter Registration Tabling

FYC’s GR committee hosts Voter Registration tables where students are provided with voter
and absentee ballot registration information alongside sample ballots and nonpartisan policy
information. We stress that everyone’s voice matters, and as a reminder, GO VOTE!

Election Night Watch Party

FYC and Housing have previously hosted an Election Night Watch Party on the night of the general Election. Live
broadcasting of the event, special activities, and guest speakers were all included!