
Photograph Reproduction Policies

One of Mobile's finest, circa 1930. Erik Overbey Collection.

Photograph Reproduction Policies | Photograph Reproduction Prices | Mailing Charges
Scans | Payment and Delivery | Submitting a Request

1. Reprints of images from our collections are available. All reproductions are digital. Prints are made using Epson Premium Photo Paper. Price is dependent on type of print and size (see below).

2. Because use fees are a major source of income for preserving our collections, photograph reproductions are subject to this fee, which may be negotiable. Each additional or alternate use of the image(s) requires new negotiation of rights and payment of an additional use fee. For more on our use policy, please see our use fee page.

3. Photo duplicates can be mailed for a minimum of $7.00 per shipment.

4. We can often expedite orders for a rush fee. Rush fees are double the total amount of the reproduction. Commercial use fees and outsourcing fees are not included in the doubled amount. For more about our fee schedule and turn around time for photographic orders, please see below.

5. You, the user, are responsible for conforming to the laws governing copyright and libel. While some of our material is out of copyright protection, we still retain property rights to those items. Please keep in mind that we do not hold copyright to everything in our repository. If you should select an image for which we do not hold copyright or property rights, we will make every effort to direct you to the right party. 

6. Please note: Any formal agreements entered into with commercial users (including but not limited to television producers or directors and book publishers) must be sent to us in a timely manner as they will need to be routed first through our university attorney's office. 

Photograph Reproduction Prices
If you wish to purchase a reproduction for republication, you must contact us to obtain permission. Prices for reproductions from our collections are dependent on size and use. Certain use fees may apply to prints, slides, and scans. Prices are subject to use fees and may change without notice. Information regarding our Use Fee Policy is available. For more information on our pricing policy please call (251) 341-3900 or email us at mccalllib@southalabama.edu


Size  Price (Digital Prints)  
5 x 7 $7.00 (glossy paper only)  
8 ½ x 11 $15.00 (semi-gloss only)  
13 x 19 $30.00 (semi-gloss only)  
Panorama $45.00 (luster paper only )  


For an example of our panorama prints, please see our gallery.**


Sepia Prints - additional $5.00 per image


**Not all of our panorama prints have been digitized. An additional $4 per section will be charged for any panorama reprint for which a digital copy does not already exist. That copy will remain the property of The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Mailing Charges

5 x 7 Prints

# of Prints Mailing Charge
1-5 $10
6-10 $12

8 1/2 x 11 Prints

# of Prints Mailing Charge
1-5 $10
6-10 $12

 13 x 19 Prints

# of Prints Mailing Charge
1-5 $15
6-10 $20

Insurance for shipments is available upon request, payment of which is the responsibility of the patron.


We can digitize copies of our photographs at the prices listed below. Price, resolution, and file format are dependent upon use. 

 72 dpi - first 5 files no charge, then each additional  $5.00  
Up to 96 dpi (suitable for computer screen viewing, websites, personal use) $10.00 --
300 dpi (suitable for Powerpoint presentations, requires permission of director) $15.00 --
600 dpi (NOT available for personal use, requires permission of director)   $25.00


Burned to CD: Add $2.00 per CD

Payment and Delivery:
Please allow at least 15-20 working days for your order to be processed. Rush orders may be possible at double the price.

Before processing can begin, a 50% deposit is required for orders that will be picked up. Orders to be mailed require full payment in advance.

If your order has not been picked up within 60 days from the time it was completed, your deposit is forfeited and the prints placed for sale to others. The McCall Library happily accepts all credit cards.

 Submitting a Request:


Please provide the following information in your request:

  • The negative number for the photograph you are requesting if it is one you have seen in our Gallery, or the identification number listed with the image for images that you found using Alabama Mosaic.
  • Your complete mailing address.
  • Your complete telephone number, including area code.
  • A complete email address, if available.

You may submit your request:

  • by email to mccalllib@southalabama.edu
  • by phone to (251) 341-3900
  • by mail to The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 5901 USA Drive North, Suite 300, Mobile, AL 36688-0002