
Regulations for Use of Materials

One of the many airplanes built by local watchmaker and inventor John Fowler, circa 1925. Erik Overbey Collection.

1. Any and all responsibility for questions of copyright and/or other legal questions which may arise from the reproduction and use of materials from the collections of The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, in any manner, are assumed by the user of those materials. For more on copyright, see the Society of American Archivists page on .

2. Patrons may procure photograph reproductions for decorative purposes or for private study and/or scholarly research. Reproduction, for example, in a publication or for any other purpose, or the donation of our photographs to another institution without the written consent of The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library is prohibited. The Library reserves to itself the sole right to copy or reproduce its photographs.

3. Any material from our collections used in a publication must be credited to The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library. If it is from a particular collection, that collection must also be credited. The staff will supply the appropriate wording for this credit line. The person ordering a picture and requesting permission for its use will be responsible for the credit line. All published photos must include the credit line on the same page as the photo.

4. All reproductions, whether electronic or photographic, from materials in The McCall Library will be made on the premises by The Library's staff. The original negatives may not leave the premises without authorization from the director. Such authorization must be requested in writing and state reasons why the reproduction cannot be made by our staff.

5. If photographs from The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library are used in a publication, a copy of that publication should be sent to The Library for its files.

6. Any photograph made by The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library put on display must be accompanied by a credit line displayed with the picture. The McCall Library will be happy to work out a mutually agreeable arrangement for doing this at the time photos are ordered.

7. Any person or organization not abiding by these regulations, including failure to give proper credit, will be denied access to the use of materials in The McCall Library and may be subject to other penalties as well.

8. Please note: Any formal agreements entered into with commercial users (including but not limited to television producers or directors and book publishers) must be sent to us in a timely manner as they will need to be routed first through our university attorney's office.

Restrictions on Use of Materials 

1. While using our materials, you may have only paper and pencil. No pens are permitted. We have pencils available for you.

2. All bags, containers, purses, and computer cases must be placed in lockers located in the research room.

3. No self-service duplication is permitted.

4. Scanning of materials by use of your personal scanner or duplication of materials by use of your personal digital camera are prohibited, except in rare cases approved of beforehand by the archivist and/or director. Laptop computers may be used upon the approval of the archivist and/or director.

5. Cell phones, recording and playback devices, and the like may only be used to access AV material or to take notes.

6. If the research room is full, you may be asked to turn off or mute electronic devices.

7. Your help in preserving our collections is greatly appreciated! If you discover materials in need of re-housing or preservation treatment, please bring them to the attention of staff.

8. You may have requested many items. Staff, however, will only allow you access to one box of material at a time. For your safety, staff will do all of the transporting.

9. Photographs from our collections may not be photographically or digitally altered in any way for purposes of reproduction or display.

10. Photographs from our collections may not be posted to Facebook, Flickr, or other internet sites.

11. The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library reserves the right to decide what materials in its collections are available for use and reproduction and what form that reproduction may take.

12. The fees charged for photographic reproductions does not in any way constitute sale of the original file print or negative, but is merely a fee charged for obtaining a copy print. The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library retains all rights to the photographic materials in our collections.